Practical information and venue map

On this page you can find nice to know information regarding your stay in Aarhus and at Aarhus University. Click on the menubar to learn more about the the venue, getting there and getting around, parking, green restaurants in Aarhus ect.

Emergency phone numbers

(+45 only when calling from outside Denmark)

Police, fire, ambulance (+45) 112
Falck rescue services (+45) 70 10 20 30
Police (+45) 87 31 14 48

Emergency room at Aarhus Hospital, Skejby (+45) 70 11 31 31. Always remember to call in beforehand, Address: Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 161, Entrance 33, 8200 Aarhus N

Doctor, outside normal working hours (16-08) - Lægevagten (+45) 70 11 31 31. Always remember to call in beforehand, Address: Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 161, Entrance 33, 8200 Aarhus N

Dentist, outside normal working hours: Valdemarsgade 1 D, stuen th., 8000 Aarhus C (+45) 40 51 51 62. Opening hours are Friday 18-21 and Saturday/Sunday 10-13.

Chemists, outside normal hours: Aarhus Løve Apotek, Store Torv 5, 8000 Aarhus C (+45) 86 12 00 22. Opening hours 06-24.